Sunday, March 6, 2016


After reading the title, you are wondering a pine!?  I've never done a post on a pine.  This pine is from one of my great bonsai friends Mike Rogers.  We were going through his nursery and I found this little guy.
I had the idea to put a piece of wire on it and put some movement into it.  I asked Mike to help me since I did not want to break the tree in half
So when I did this, it was February 16.  I took the pine home and it has been living on my bench for a few weeks.

After taking it home, I wanted to find out why it was called a Mikawa Black Pine and not just a regular Black Pine.  I found out that Mikawa is a place in Japan where these pines are found.  I found this out from Peter Tea's website.  This particular Pine was grown from a seed.

So on February 28, I repotted the Pine into a colander.  The reason you repot into a colander is on this website.  So now it's time to take the tree out of the pot.
Wow! Look at those roots!!  I did not expect that many roots!!

Now if you notice the white stuff, many may think it is a bad thing to have in the soil.  But it is actually very good for the tree.  Some plants rely on this stuff for survival.  The white stuff is called Mycorrhiza which is very good for the roots and the tree!  Mycorrhiza is a symbiotic relationship between the roots of a plant and a fungus.  According toWikipedia, at least 80% of the land plant species have mycorrhiza.

Now it's time to rake the soil off the tree.  I usually bare-root the tree with the hose but you should really try not to bare-root conifers.  So for this tree, I will use my trusty root rake.
The soil came off a lot easier than I expected!  After getting rid of the soil, it seems there is more trunk then originally thought.  This will make it an even better tree!  If you notice in the picture there is luckily some extra wire that was used for the original styling that can be used.  Now, time to make this tree even more interesting! 

​Before I show you the finished tree, here is the before picture.
And the after
Wow, what a transformation!!  I can not wait to see what this tree looks like in a few years!!

Hope you learned a lot about pines and will see you next time!!