Saturday, October 25, 2014

Out in the Garden With Clingy Trees & a Brazilian Rain Tree...

Hello All,

It's almost the end of October and it has rained, A LOT!  Everything has grown, A LOT!  All of the trees look like they have grown into one huge tree!  Some trees where really being clingy to one another.  We have an ilex next to a ficus and it's root's were wrapped around the pot!
Below is the root that was attached to the tree above. 
Our Brazilian Rain Trees have been growing a ton!  I got down to look at one of them that when looked up to, it looks like it could be a massive tree in the ground, but is really in a pot.  Below is the picture.
It really does look like a real tree!  Maybe one day I will see a tree that looks just like this in the future!

Hope you have enjoyed,

~Ben Jamin Lorber